Naughty or Nice: Quick Wins for Holiday Email ROI

Holiday marketing brings its own unique set of challenges. Minor missteps in email strategy and content can make or break Q4 performance and impact your start of the new year. In this webinar, we tackle easy, actionable ways to fine-tune your existing email program and avoid common holiday pitfalls.

Specific areas of focus include:

  • Making the connection between content and consumer psychology
  • Exploring ways to diversify messages and keep subscribers engaged
  • Learning how testing strategies can improve subscriber processing and click-through
  • Tackling the most common holiday tactics that destroy deliverability and damage ROI
  • Uncovering ways to reverse negative inbox placement trends during this critical timeframe

Designed with a range of marketers in mind, from high-volume retail senders that live for Black Friday to those with a less critical Q4, these strategies can help ensure that the last months of the year are a success. Not the holiday season? These insights can help your email program year round!